I Was Told My Kitten Had Days To Live. An Underground Facebook Group Helped Me Save Her Life.

Silver: A Cat’s Journey through FIP and Back

In the dreary winter of 2021, I embarked on a quest to bring solace into my lonely New York apartment amidst the pandemic. Longing for the companionship of a feline friend, I delved into research, hoping to find a breed less likely to trigger my allergies. My search led me to the alluring Balinese cats, renowned for their striking blue eyes and siamese-like elegance.

After an arduous wait, fate smiled upon me when a breeder contacted me with the news that a kitten was ready for adoption. With trepidation and anticipation, I welcomed Silver, a tiny 4-month-old ball of fur, into my home. Despite her adorable appearance, little did I know that her arrival would usher in a whirlwind of uncertainty and heartache.

From the outset, Silver plagued me with her incessant sneezing. Her persistent congestion and diminished appetite raised red flags, prompting frequent vet visits. Each diagnosis of calicivirus, ear infection, and pneumonia led to a cocktail of antibiotics, offering temporary respite but no lasting solution.

As Silver’s ailments persisted, my mental well-being took a toll. The constant worry and obsessive monitoring extinguished the joy I had hoped to find in her companionship. Her once-bright eyes now reflected a heaviness that weighed on my heart.

Fate dealt another cruel blow when Silver’s symptoms worsened, her abdomen becoming noticeably distended. Despite my family’s reassurances that it was merely a sign of her maturing out of kittenhood, a gnawing doubt lingered in my mind. A vet appointment revealed the heartbreaking truth: Silver had feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a deadly disease with no known cure.

Overwhelmed with despair, I resigned myself to the inevitable, preparing for the worst. However, a glimmer of hope emerged from an unexpected source: a Facebook group called FIP Warriors, a beacon of support and knowledge for pet owners facing the same devastating diagnosis.

Through FIP Warriors, I learned about an experimental drug, GS-441524, which had shown promising results in treating FIP. With renewed determination, my family and I pooled our resources to embark on this uncertain path.

Daily injections of the antiviral drug became a part of Silver’s routine. Miraculously, within days, she began to show signs of improvement. Her alertness returned, her appetite soared, and her distended abdomen visibly reduced. It was as if a miracle were unfolding before our very eyes.

Silver’s recovery continued steadily under the watchful guidance of FIP Warriors administrators. Monthly vet appointments and blood work provided reassurance that her condition was improving. As the weeks turned into months, Silver transformed into a vibrant, playful, and energetic cat, a far cry from the frail creature we had brought home.

The possibility of relapse hung over us like a specter, but with each passing day, our hopes grew stronger. Six months after Silver’s final injection, her blood tests revealed a remarkable recovery. The vet declared her cured, a testament to the unwavering support we had received from FIP Warriors and the remarkable power of the experimental treatment.

Today, Silver and I share a bond that transcends the ordinary. Her journey through FIP has taught me the indomitable spirit that can reside within even the smallest of creatures. It has also shown me the power of community and the transformative impact of hope, even in the face of adversity.

Silver’s story is a beacon of hope for other pet owners facing the heartbreak of FIP. It is a testament to the importance of seeking alternative treatment options and the transformative power of unwavering support. May her journey inspire others to never give up, no matter the odds.