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Israeli Military Doctor Gives Horrifying Testimony on Conditions for Palestinian Prisoners

A military doctor (who remains anonymous) has come forward to share his shocking experiences working at the notorious Sedot Timan prison camp in southern Israel. Here is a comprehensive account of his testimony, shedding light on the deplorable conditions faced by Palestinian prisoners held at this facility.

Upon arriving at the medical facility within Sedot Timan during the winter season, the doctor encountered a grim scene. Inside a cramped hospital tent, over 20 patients lay restrained to antiquated steel beds, similar to those used in outdated hospitals. Despite being conscious, these prisoners were kept blindfolded throughout their confinement.

Among them were several patients in dire medical conditions. One had recently undergone major surgery, while others bore gunshot wounds. One particular individual had been shot inside his home in Gaza just hours prior to his arrival. According to established medical protocol, such patients require immediate intensive care followed by transfer to a ward to facilitate proper recovery. However, this prisoner was instead sent to a cell in Sedot Timan mere hours after his surgery, with medical staff claiming he was fit for discharge. The doctor strongly objected, emphasizing that individuals in such fragile states belong in intensive care units, not prison cells.

Furthermore, the doctor described the presence of a prisoner suffering from sepsis, a life-threatening bacterial infection. Despite his critical condition, he was inappropriately housed at Sedot Timan, where resources were insufficient to manage his complex medical needs. Stable patients are typically transferred to the hospital within Sedot Timan; however, in this instance, no alternative arrangements were made, forcing the critically ill patient to remain in an inadequate setting.

Beyond the absence of a dedicated surgeon—a glaring omission in such a facility—the medical team was nonetheless highly skilled. However, the doctor’s account highlights the systematic dehumanization of prisoners within Sedot Timan. He points out that the practice of restraining individuals, depriving them of basic mobility, blindfolding them, and forcing them to remain naked under constant surveillance constitutes a form of psychological torture.

“Methods of mistreating or even torturing people without putting out cigarettes on them, but by keeping them like this, unable to see or move or talk, for a week or 10 days or a month—this is nothing less than torture, especially when it is clear that there is no medical reason to keep someone who had an injury to his stomach two days ago with his legs tied down? His hands are enough, no?,” he argues.

During his time at Sedot Timan, the doctor admits to experiencing a disturbing sense of normalcy amidst the inhumane conditions. This was partly attributed to the justifications and excuses that were constantly offered. Prisoners were prohibited from communicating with medical personnel as equals. They were not allowed to speak, and translators were present solely to facilitate strictly medical discussions. This systematic erasure of their humanity allowed the medical staff to distance themselves emotionally from the suffering they witnessed.

“You just go over and check that a medical procedure that was supposed to be done was done, and along the way, you remove the human dimension of medicine,” the doctor explains. “My main frustration was not being able to look at people in the eyes. This is not how I learned to treat patients, regardless of what they have done.”

Reflecting on his time at Sedot Timan, the doctor expresses remorse for not fully comprehending the extent of the horrors unfolding around him. He attributes this to a gradual process of desensitization, where the sight of shackled prisoners in hospitals became normalized. “Somehow, it becomes normal there, and at some point, it just doesn’t bother you anymore,” he laments.

The doctor’s testimony provides a chilling glimpse into the hidden world of Sedot Timan prison camp, where Palestinian prisoners are subjected to systematic abuse and neglect. His revelations demand urgent attention and action to ensure that such violations of basic human rights are never again tolerated.