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Exploring the Concept of Individual Liberty Beyond Its Conventional Meaning


The concept of individual liberty, when extended beyond the mere right of individuals to do as they please or the freedom of humans to choose their actions and life experiences, appears self-evident and uncontroversial in principle, especially in matters concerning the individual and his/her personal affairs. However, this concept demands meticulous conditions and controls when put into practical application and usage. The right of an individual to liberty must be balanced with the rights of others in society so that there is no conflict between multiple individual freedoms. This is where the need for conditions to regulate this practice and define its parameters becomes apparent.

Historical Roots of Individual Liberty

Before delving into a comprehensive examination of individual liberty in all its dimensions at the level of the individual and society, it is essential to examine its roots in philosophical, economic, and class dimensions, as manifested in its birthplace during the European Renaissance. This concept coincided with the formation of the capitalist colonial system that plundered the world’s wealth after the West (Europe and America) achieved its military dominance.

Individual Liberty: A Tool for Western Hegemony

Here, the concept of individual liberty, in terms of believing, thinking, working, or doing as one desires, required a philosophy in viewing the universe, a socio-economic-political system with military and security fangs and claws: (a state, armies, laws, institutions, security apparatuses, the establishment of banks, financial and production companies), for the purpose of imposing the dominance of a continent or a group of Western countries on Asia, Africa, Latin America, i.e., on the rest of the other continents.

A long historical record, beginning from the end of the 15th century (1490s) and the beginning of the 16th century AD, until today, supports all of this. Studying history is the source of its scientific and cognitive strength because the first scientific knowledge to understand the phenomenon of individual liberty in the West, or any social or human phenomenon, requires knowing its origin, path, laws of its development, and observing its outcome if possible.

Individual Liberty and the Rise of the West

Understanding how society, the state, and the system emerged in the contemporary West, which was founded on the concept of individual liberty, including the intellectual and political theories developed to support it, is closely linked to the history of the modern West. These developments were the product of a long historical process that began with Europe’s emergence from isolation following the maritime discoveries in the late 15th century, particularly since the beginning of the 16th century. With the independence of the United States of America in the 18th century (1776), America joined this common Western path that brought together Europe and America.

The Foundations of Individual Liberty in the West

The foundation on which the contemporary European Renaissance was based was the formation of armies, which initially began as military campaigns aimed at controlling overseas territories, plundering as much gold, silver, and valuables as possible, and returning with them to Europe. As competition intensified among European nations for control of colonies, the need for massive armies, both naval and land-based, grew. This explains the need to abolish feudal systems in order to unify countries and free serfs for general military mobilization.

This, in turn, necessitated the spread of the principle of “human liberty” or individual liberty within each country, which contributed to its unification. In parallel, a new capitalist class emerged, based on the looted wealth from abroad, which laid the foundation for the rise of capitalism in Europe.

Capitalism and Individual Liberty

Capitalism in its early days was a product of the accumulated wealth from external plundering. Hence, the capitalist concept of “individual liberty” was linked to the establishment of a system that would enhance the drive towards controlling overseas territories and push it forward. It was natural for this class to seek to strengthen the principle of individual liberty, whether in the ownership of wealth or in industrial production, and to protect these riches by overthrowing the rule of absolute monarchy and moving towards parliamentary democracy.

This means that democracy based on the principle of capitalist individual liberty was nothing more than a product of the need to meet the demands of controlling and plundering the wealth of overseas territories, alongside the industrial revolution that strengthened the power of predatory capitalism. Hence, the process of internal plundering of workers began, alongside the formation of commodities. Capitalism is not so much based on the plundering of foreign lands as it is the legitimate daughter of such plundering.

Individual Liberty and the Emergence of the Modern State

The construction of the modern state, the formation of modern armies, and the capitalism seeking global markets were driven by the growing desire for global domination, on the one hand, and the subsequent influences in the areas of thought and behavior, which formed part of modernity, on the other hand.

It is worth noting that this narrative differs from the Marxist narrative, which viewed the emergence of capitalism as a natural development of manufacturing within the feudal system. Although Marx pointed out, in “The Communist Manifesto,” the role of external looting in the development of capitalism, he did not consider it the foundation of its formation. Nor did he link the rise of internal unity of the modern state to external European control but rather attributed it to the capitalist role in unifying the market, as the priority was to form a strong and large army.

In fact, a number of scientific activities were geared towards developing weapons, enhancing the army’s capabilities and speed, and developing naval military fleets were primarily aimed at waging European-European wars for control of colonies.

Individual Liberty: A Tool for Western Hegemony

Returning to the subject of individual liberty that took shape in modern Europe and then moved to America, on the basis of which, and in service of its interests, contemporary Western philosophy, democracy, and economic system emerged to defend and market it. This strategy also included external Western control, reaching the point of exterminating the indigenous peoples of the Americas, who were considered “discovered” and not part of the human world and its history.

“Discovery” or Invasion?

However, how can these lands be considered “discovered” when they were inhabited by millions of people and flourishing civilizations? Moreover, there is evidence that ancient Eastern civilizations had reached these lands before these alleged European “discoveries.” Therefore, the concept of “discoveries” reflects clear Eurocentrism, not an established historical fact.

Thus, the concept of individual liberty must be dealt with in the context of its Western experience, not as a merely general abstract concept. This freedom emerged as part of Western individual liberty and took on its simplistic dimensions that present themselves as a tool for individuals to serve the struggle against some regimes that faced this historical conflict.

The conflict between individual liberty as a capitalist colonial system and the need of the peoples of the colonies, who prioritized the freedom of the people and social justice, is what shaped this concept. Wars were waged against these peoples by the former and current colonial powers.

Individual Liberty and the Struggle for Justice

However, this was in the past and did not require what is now necessary to reintroduce the issue of individual liberty as a general principle, far removed from its Western model. We must also be wary of what non-governmental organizations put forward, which may use this principle to perpetuate Western dominance or to abandon the fundamental issues of peoples, including universal liberation and the liberation of Palestine.

It is high time at this present stage that the freedom of man should be put forward as an essential part of the struggle of peoples against colonial domination and Western Zionist racism, and that it should become the cornerstone in building new systems that overthrow the slavery of the West and contribute to the establishment of a new free world. This can be achieved by linking individual liberty to justice among individuals, preserving human dignity, resisting global injustice, and ultimately liberating Palestine.

Beyond the Western Model of Individual Liberty

The Western model of individual liberty must be transcended because there are deeper roots to the concept of human liberty in non-Western civilizations, such as the Islamic concept that considers humans to be born equal and free, and most importantly, that they are born honored.

Human dignity and justice among individuals occupy a higher place than merely acknowledging equality and freedom. As mentioned in the noble hadith: “O people, your Lord is one, and your father is one. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab, nor for a red man over a black man, nor for a black man over a red man, except in piety.” Even if the chain of transmission of the hadith is weak or its authenticity is lost, its content expresses the supreme purposes of Islam and its rich heritage of lofty humanitarian values.

One of the evidences that reinforces the concept of freedom and justice in the Islamic heritage is “Hilf al-Fudul” (the League of the Virtuous), which was based on supporting the oppressed. This principle enhances the value of freedom and justice,