Judge tells Google to brace for shakeup of Android app store as punishment for running a monopoly

Major Changes Coming to Google’s Android App Store

In a landmark decision, a federal judge has indicated that he will order major changes to Google’s Android app store, known as the Play Store. This ruling is the culmination of a lawsuit filed by Epic Games, the maker of the popular video game Fortnite, which accused Google of operating a monopoly in the Android app market.

After a four-week trial, a jury found that Google had violated antitrust laws by preventing app developers from distributing their apps outside of the Play Store and by requiring them to use Google’s billing system for in-app purchases. The judge has yet to issue a final order, but he has made it clear that he intends to overhaul the way the Play Store operates.

What Changes Are Coming?

The judge is considering a number of changes to the Play Store, including:

  • Requiring Google to allow consumers to download alternative app stores from outside the Play Store.
  • Prohibiting Google from requiring app developers to use its billing system for in-app purchases.
  • Reducing the fees that Google charges app developers for distributing apps through the Play Store.

Google’s Arguments

Google has opposed the proposed changes, arguing that they would harm consumers and developers. Google claims that allowing alternative app stores would increase the risk of malware and other security threats on Android devices. The company also argues that reducing its fees would hurt its ability to generate revenue from the Play Store.

The Judge’s Response

The judge has acknowledged Google’s concerns, but he has also emphasized the need to promote competition in the Android app market. He has said that Google’s control over the Play Store has led to higher prices for consumers and less innovation for developers.

Impact on Google

The changes ordered by the judge could have a significant impact on Google’s business. The company could lose billions of dollars in revenue if it is forced to reduce its fees or allow alternative app stores. Google could also face increased competition from other app stores, such as Amazon’s Appstore or Samsung’s Galaxy Store.

Impact on Consumers

The changes could also have a major impact on consumers. Consumers could benefit from lower prices and a wider selection of apps if alternative app stores are allowed. However, consumers may also need to be more vigilant about security threats if they download apps from outside the Play Store.


The judge’s ruling is a major victory for Epic Games and other companies that have accused Google of anti-competitive behavior. The changes ordered by the judge could have a profound impact on the Android app market and could benefit consumers and developers alike.