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Why is Christian Science in our name?

The Christian Science Monitor is a non-profit news organization that takes its name from the Christian Science Church, which founded the Monitor in 1908. The Monitor is not a religious publication, but it does share some of the values of the Christian Science Church, such as a belief in the power of prayer and the importance of spiritual healing.

The Monitor’s mission is to provide fair and impartial news coverage, and to promote peace and understanding around the world. The Monitor is committed to reporting on all sides of an issue, and to giving a voice to those who are often marginalized.

The Monitor’s name is a reminder of its commitment to these values. The word “Christian” in the Monitor’s name refers to the Monitor’s belief in the power of love and compassion to heal the world. The word “Science” in the Monitor’s name refers to the Monitor’s commitment to reporting on the facts, and to using evidence to support its conclusions.

The Monitor’s name is a unique and powerful statement about the Monitor’s mission and values. The Monitor is a news organization that is committed to reporting the truth, promoting peace, and healing the world.

The Monitor’s name is also a reflection of its history. The Monitor was founded in 1908 by Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the Christian Science Church. Eddy believed that the Monitor could be a force for good in the world, and she hoped that it would help to promote peace and understanding.

The Monitor has lived up to Eddy’s hopes. The Monitor has been a leading voice for peace and understanding for over a century. The Monitor has reported on some of the most important events in history, and it has helped to shape public opinion on a wide range of issues.

The Monitor’s name is a reminder of its commitment to its mission and values. The Monitor is a news organization that is committed to reporting the truth, promoting peace, and healing the world.