Bregenzer Festspiele: Sobotka sagt Adieu zu „Fünfeinhalb Wochen Wahnsinn“

Bregenzer Festspiele: Sobotka’s Farewell and the Magic of Vorarlberg

As the curtain falls on another successful season of the Bregenzer Festspiele, Artistic Director Elisabeth Sobotka prepares to bid farewell. After ten transformative summers in Bregenz, she reflects on her time with gratitude and enthusiasm.

A Decade of Artistic Triumphs

Under Sobotka’s leadership, the Bregenzer Festspiele has flourished, showcasing a diverse repertoire of operas and concerts on the grand floating stage on Lake Constance and in the Festspielhaus. Her commitment to artistic excellence and innovation has garnered critical acclaim and international recognition for the festival.

The Enduring Legacy of Sobotka’s Vision

Sobotka’s vision for the festival has been to celebrate diversity, foster new talent, and engage with the local community. She has established partnerships with cultural institutions throughout Vorarlberg, creating a vibrant artistic hub in the region.

The Unique Charm of Vorarlberg

Sobotka has been captivated by the beauty and spirit of Vorarlberg during her tenure. She marvels at the breathtaking scenery, the warm hospitality of the people, and the region’s deep appreciation for the arts.

The Challenges of Artistic Leadership

While Sobotka cherishes her time in Vorarlberg, she acknowledges the challenges of leading a major arts festival. The constant pursuit of funding, the pressure to deliver exceptional productions, and the unpredictable nature of the weather all require resilience and adaptability.

The Importance of Artistic Collaboration

Sobotka emphasizes the importance of collaboration in the arts. She values the contributions of her team, the performers, and the support of the community. She believes that great art is born out of a shared vision and a collective effort.

The Role of the Arts in Society

In an era of social and political turmoil, Sobotka believes that the arts have a vital role to play in fostering dialogue, promoting understanding, and inspiring hope. She sees the Bregenzer Festspiele as a platform for connecting people through the transformative power of music and theater.

Sobotka’s Future Endeavors

As Sobotka embarks on a new chapter in her career at the Berlin State Opera, she carries with her the invaluable experiences and connections she has forged in Vorarlberg. She remains passionate about the transformative power of the arts and looks forward to continuing her journey as an advocate for cultural excellence.