More women denied abortions in Texas join lawsuit against the state 

The Heartbreaking Reality of Abortion Bans: A Mother’s Journey

A Journey of Hope and Despair

Kimberly and David Manzano’s dream of starting a family was shattered when a fetal specialist delivered devastating news: their unborn baby had severe abnormalities. Their world crumbled as they faced the unimaginable choice of carrying a pregnancy they knew would end in tragedy.

But in Texas, where abortion is illegal in most cases, even for lethal abnormalities, the Manzanos found themselves trapped in a cruel predicament. Doctors could not advise them on termination options, leaving them heartbroken and desperate.

The Legal Labyrinth

The Manzanos are among a growing number of women in Texas who are challenging the state’s abortion ban in court. The lawsuit, Zurawski v. State of Texas, argues that the ban violates the constitutional rights of women and fails to provide exceptions for serious fetal anomalies.

The case highlights the complex legal landscape surrounding abortion bans. While some states have exceptions for lethal abnormalities, others do not. This patchwork of laws creates a confusing and unjust situation for women who are faced with devastating pregnancies.

Fear in the Doctor’s Office

The fear instilled by the Texas abortion ban extends beyond the patients themselves. Doctors are hesitant to have conversations about pregnancy termination, knowing that they could face severe penalties for providing any information that could lead to an abortion outside the state.

This fear creates a chilling effect on healthcare, where doctors are forced to tiptoe around sensitive topics and women are left feeling unsupported and alone in their decision-making.

Lauren Miller’s Story

Another plaintiff in the lawsuit, Lauren Miller, faced a similar ordeal when she learned that one of her twins had a rare and life-limiting condition. Doctors were unable to provide clear guidance due to the fear of violating the abortion ban.

Miller’s frustration grew as she realized the ban was interfering with her ability to receive adequate medical care. She was left terrified for the health of both her babies and herself, with no clear path forward.

The Importance of Exceptions

Both Miller and the Manzanos believe that the Texas abortion ban must include exceptions for lethal fetal abnormalities. They argue that women should not be forced to carry pregnancies that will inevitably end in tragedy.

Without such exceptions, women’s health and lives are put at risk. They may be forced to travel out of state for care, which can be costly and logistically challenging. They may also be forced to continue pregnancies that they know will harm them or their unborn child.

A Step in the Right Direction

While the lawsuit is still in its early stages, it represents a step in the right direction towards clarifying the vague and ambiguous language of abortion bans. It seeks to ensure that doctors can provide the best possible medical care to their patients without fear of prosecution.

The case also highlights the need for continued advocacy and legislative efforts to protect women’s reproductive rights. Until comprehensive exceptions are in place, women in states like Texas will continue to face unnecessary suffering and trauma.


The stories of Kimberly Manzano and Lauren Miller are a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of abortion bans. These bans rob women of their autonomy, interfere with their medical care, and force them to make impossible choices.

It is crucial that we continue to fight for the right to access safe and legal abortion, both in Texas and across the country. Women deserve to make decisions about their own bodies and their own futures, free from government interference.