Tag der Jugend: Mehr Mitsprache für Junge gefordert

More Participation Rights for Young People

On the occasion of the Day of Youth on Monday, the SOS Children’s Village called for more opportunities for children and young people to participate. The organization is addressing politicians with a petition. They should involve young people and their interests more in decision-making processes, the demand said.

Involve instead of silencing

“Participating instead of keeping quiet” is the title of a petition launched by the Children’s Village. The organization headquartered in Innsbruck is thus calling for a policy that focuses on the healthy development and participation of young people, Children’s Village Managing Director Christian Moser explained in a press release.

Crises such as inflation, wars and climate change are currently putting a heavy burden on children and young people. Only 35 percent of young people feel well represented by parliament. This is shown by current figures from the SORA Democracy Monitor. Not even half think that it makes a difference to participate politically.

Health policy in focus

“Those who have financial worries, fears about their own future or health or psychological problems have less or no chance of participating. At the same time, it is precisely the perspectives of these young people that are needed to understand where and how to start in order to improve the situation – for example, in health policy,” said Moser.

The demands of the petition relate in particular to the health promotion of children and young people. According to SOS Children’s Village, over 10,000 consultations on health and psychological stress were conducted at Rat auf Draht last year, justifying the topic of the petition.