Richard Lugner holt Ehefrau Simone ins Geschäft: “Du bist jetzt die Chefin”

Welcome! Your Privacy is Important to Us

We use cookies and other technologies that are necessary or can help to improve our online services as well as fund our editorial work through advertising. In this context, data can be stored or retrieved on a device, and ad and content measurements can be made, or cookies, device data and other personal data (e.g., IP address) can be used. With your consent, you can use our websites free of charge and up to 73 third parties can access your data. You can find details in our Privacy Manager about the third-party vendors and the personal data processed.

You have the choice to withdraw or adjust your consent and opt out of individual processing purposes or vendors at any time by clicking on “learn more” or our Privacy Policy.

With Ad-Free, you can use specific websites and all other portals for a charge of €3.60 per month. This means that your data can no longer be processed by third parties for advertising purposes. The offer can be canceled at any time and can be used on up to three end devices. Cookies required for the functionality of the website cannot be deselected. You can find more information in our Privacy Policy.

We and our partners process data for the following purposes:
– Advertising
– Analytics and website optimization
– Content performance measurement and analysis
– Personalized advertising based on login data
– Required cookies
– Social media and other embeds
– Using a user ID for personalized advertising and web analysis
– User segmentation and enhancement of our offerings and providing personalized content