Svenskar häktade efter sprängdåd i Köpenhamn

Two Swedish Citizens Arrested for Copenhagen Bombing

On Friday, August 11, 2024, two Swedish citizens in their mid-20s were extradited to Denmark and subsequently detained by the Copenhagen Byret court. Both individuals are suspected of attempted murder and possession of a hand grenade following a bomb attack on a Copenhagen convenience store on Tuesday. The explosion caused no injuries.


On the evening of the incident, Swedish police apprehended the suspects, a man and a woman, at the Öresundsbron bridge, which connects Sweden and Denmark. The pair is accused of carrying out the bombing.

Investigation and Charges

The suspects have been charged with attempted murder and possession of a hand grenade. They have pleaded not guilty.

Significance of the Incident

This incident has raised concerns about cross-border cooperation and the potential for similar attacks in the future. The Copenhagen Police are working closely with Swedish authorities to investigate the matter further.

Continued Reporting

The trial for the two suspects is expected to begin in the coming weeks. Skånska Dagbladet will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as more information becomes available.