Украинскую военную технику заметили в еще одном селе на Курщине, эвакуируют район – СМИ

Ukrainian Troops Advance into Russian Territory

Ukrainian military equipment has been spotted in the village of Giryi in the Belovsky district of the Kursk region of Russia, about 30 km southeast of the city of Sudzha, in the direction of which Ukrainian troops had previously been advancing.

The Russian authorities have announced the evacuation of the district.

The video, which was published on the morning of August 12 by Russian sources, was geolocated by journalists, who determined that it shows Ukrainian military equipment passing through the village of Giryi in the Belovsky district of the Kursk region.

The Ukrainian armored vehicle is moving north towards the village of Belitsa. In the video, it passes the “Giryi” bus stop.

Earlier, the head of the Belovsky district, Nikolai Volobuyev, urged local residents to evacuate.

“Уважаемые жители Беловского района! Обстановка очень напряженная. Кто может самостоятельно прибыть в пункт сбора с. Долгие Буды в сельсовет или в населенный пункт Бушмено Обоянского района. Будут предоставлены автобусы. Кто еще остался на территории – убедительная просьба ко всем жителям покинуть район”.

The acting governor of the Kursk region later announced that the regional operational headquarters had decided to evacuate the residents of the Belovsky district.

“Поручил региональному Минтрансу подготовить дополнительный транспорт, автобусы уже дежурят в безопасных зонах. Сейчас главное – оперативно оповестить жителей населенных пунктов о возможности выехать из района…Прошу жителей Беловского района следовать рекомендациям органов власти и силовых структур”.

Earlier on August 12, the governor of the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Gladkov, announced the beginning of the evacuation of the population of the border Krasnoyarsk district.

On August 6, the Russians reported on attempts by Ukraine to break into the territory of the Kursk region. On August 7, Russian propagandists and so-called “military correspondents” claimed that Ukrainian forces had gained a foothold in the border zone. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the situation a “provocation.”

On August 8, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed the advance of Ukrainian troops in two districts of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation and stated that it had transferred reserves to the border and was shelling the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the air.

On August 9, the analytical project DeepState published a video shot by a Russian citizen, which shows a broken column of vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces with destroyed personnel in the village of Oktyabrskoye in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on the situation in the Kursk region on the morning of August 9, admitting that Ukrainian forces were in the vicinity of Sudzha.

On August 10, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he had heard reports from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrsky, in particular, on the expulsion of the war to the territory of the aggressor.

Forbes magazine wrote that Ukrainian troops are digging trenches in the Kursk region of Russia, which is a sign that they plan to stay there.