CFMEU NSW official Michael Greenfield resigns but father Darren stays on saying ‘business as usual’

Building Bad: CFMEU Boss Clinging to Power as Second-in-Command Resigns

In a bombshell development, the second most powerful figure in the New South Wales branch of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), Michael Greenfield, has resigned. However, his father, Darren Greenfield, the union’s head, remains defiant, vowing to members that “business as usual” will continue.

Michael Greenfield informed the CFMEU’s executive on Monday that he will step down immediately, leaving many speculating about the future of the union.

Despite his son’s departure, Darren Greenfield has maintained a firm grip on power, assuring members that the union’s operations will continue as usual. However, many observers believe that this may be a difficult promise to keep, given the recent turmoil within the union.

Michael Greenfield’s resignation comes amidst ongoing investigations into the CFMEU’s alleged illegal activities. The union has been accused of a range of offenses, including blackmail, extortion, and violence, leading to a loss of public trust and confidence.

The union has also faced criticism from within its own ranks, with some members expressing concerns about its direction and leadership. Darren Greenfield’s insistence on maintaining the status quo in the face of these challenges has raised questions about his ability to effectively lead the CFMEU moving forward.

Despite the turmoil, Darren Greenfield has not indicated any willingness to step down. He has repeatedly defended his leadership and vowed to continue fighting for the rights of union members.

However, the CFMEU’s future remains uncertain as the investigations into its alleged illegal activities continue. It remains to be seen whether Darren Greenfield can weather the storm and maintain his grip on power or if the union will undergo significant changes in the coming months.