Unfall bei Regatta – 130 Meter Tiefe: Edles Boot versank im Attersee

Unfortunate Incident during Regatta: Beloved Boat Sinks in the Depths of Attersee

During the Atterseewoche, a renowned sailing event, tragedy struck when a cherished wooden boat known as “Bibelot II” sank in the depths of the Attersee. This incident is a rare occurrence, with such events happening only once in a decade, according to Gert Schmidleitner, the esteemed Wettfahrtleiter of the organizing Union-Yacht-Club (UYCA).

The Misfortune that Befell Bibelot II

As part of the “Oldtimer-Bewerb,” an esteemed race featuring meticulously preserved traditional boats, the Bibelot II encountered misfortune. Amidst the competition, the 11-meter vessel lost control, becoming unmaneuverable and succumbing to an extreme tilt. The boat then filled with water and ultimately sank, descending into the murky depths of the lake, which measures approximately 130 meters at the site of the incident.

Efforts to Recover the Sunken Vessel

Despite the unfortunate loss, the boat’s significant value has prompted a concerted effort to recover it. The Waterrettung Salzburg, a renowned water rescue organization, has generously provided their cutting-edge sonar equipment to aid in locating the submerged craft. While finding the boat is a crucial step, the subsequent task of raising it from the depths poses a greater challenge, requiring expert divers to attach cables before it can be cautiously lifted using air cushions. The delicate nature of this operation demands slow and precise execution to prevent the boat from rupturing under the immense water pressure.