Karyn Maughan | Truma Zump: Accused former presidents – and their toxic quest for impunity

Police rescue 90 kidnapped Ethiopians locked up in ‘inhumane conditions’ in Joburg

Police in Johannesburg rescued 90 kidnapped Ethiopians who were being held in “inhumane conditions” in a house in the city center. The victims, who were aged between 15 and 40, were found crammed into a small, dark room with no ventilation. They were malnourished and had been subjected to physical and sexual abuse.

The police were acting on a tip-off from a member of the public. When they arrived at the house, they found the victims locked inside. The door was barricaded with furniture, and the windows were covered with blankets. The victims were visibly traumatized and in need of medical attention.

The police arrested two suspects, a man and a woman, who were believed to be the kidnappers. The suspects are expected to appear in court soon.

MEC launches new racism probe at Pretoria High School for Girls after 12 pupils found not guilty

The Gauteng Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi, has launched a new racism probe at Pretoria High School for Girls after 12 pupils were found not guilty of racism by the school’s governing body (SGB).

The SGB’s finding sparked outrage among parents and anti-racism groups, who accused the school of downplaying the seriousness of the allegations.

The MEC has appointed an independent investigator to look into the matter. The investigator will have 30 days to complete the investigation and submit a report to the MEC.

The MEC said that he was “deeply concerned” by the allegations of racism and that he was determined to ensure that the matter was investigated thoroughly.

Rwanda shuts down 185 churches – so far

The Rwandan government has shut down 185 churches so far this year, according to the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB). The RGB said that the churches were closed because they were operating illegally and were not registered with the government.

The government has been cracking down on unregistered churches in recent years, saying that they pose a security risk. The government has also accused some churches of promoting extremism and hate speech.

The closure of the churches has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have welcomed the move, saying that it will help to regulate the religious sector. Others have criticized the government, saying that it is infringing on religious freedom.

CAPTURE CHRONICLES | Controversial KZN accountant bagged almost R8m from Mhlathuze Water bonanza

A controversial KwaZulu-Natal accountant bagged almost R8 million from the Mhlathuze Water bonanza, according to a forensic report.

The report, which was commissioned by the Mhlathuze Water board, found that the accountant, Dhaya Sewduth, was paid R7.9 million for work that was not done.

Sewduth was appointed by the Mhlathuze Water board in 2017 to investigate allegations of corruption at the water utility. However, the report found that Sewduth did not conduct a proper investigation and that his report was “flawed”.

The report also found that Sewduth had a conflict of interest as he was also working for a company that was doing business with Mhlathuze Water.

Sewduth has denied any wrongdoing. He said that he did not conduct a proper investigation because he was not given access to all the necessary information.

Death and dysfunction: Murdered corruption investigator kept death threat fears secret from bosses

The murdered corruption investigator Babita Deokaran kept her fears of being killed a secret from her bosses, fearing that it would make her look weak.

Deokaran was shot dead outside her home in Johannesburg in August 2021. She had been investigating corruption in the Gauteng health department.

In the months leading up to her murder, Deokaran had received numerous death threats. She had reported the threats to the police, but she did not tell her bosses about them.

A report by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) found that Deokaran had kept her fears of being killed a secret because she did not want to appear weak. The report also found that Deokaran’s bosses had failed to provide her with adequate security.

Deokaran’s murder has highlighted the dangers that corruption investigators face in South Africa. It has also raised questions about the support that is given to investigators by their employers.

News24’s new magazine is curated for those who understand luxury and want to celebrate the richness of life

News24’s new magazine is curated for those who understand luxury and want to celebrate the richness of life.

The magazine, called “The Luxe Life”, is a quarterly publication that features stories on the latest trends in luxury fashion, beauty, travel, and dining.

The magazine also features interviews with celebrities, designers, and other tastemakers.

“The Luxe Life” is available in print and digital formats.

Indulge in the finer things

News24’s August audiobook that’s free to listen to for subscribers is The CEO X Factor by KC Rottok Chesaina.

The book provides practical advice on how to become a successful CEO. It covers topics such as leadership, strategy, and communication.

The audiobook is narrated by the author, KC Rottok Chesaina.

Free to listen for subscribers

Audiobook of the Month

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No, it’s nothing more than political meddling

Yes, they must verify the SGB’s findings
