BBC presenter Gabby Logan suggests Olympics conspiracy theory after Mondo Duplantis breaks pole vault record

The Mystery of the Olympic Bell: A Conspiracy Theory Debunked

When Armand “Mondo” Duplantis triumphed in the men’s pole vault at the 2024 Paris Olympics, a bizarre theory emerged from BBC presenter Gabby Logan. As Duplantis celebrated his victory by ringing the traditional bell at the Stade de France, Logan couldn’t help but notice a peculiar observation.

To her surprise, Logan claimed that the bell appeared to ring before the designated “chimer” had even touched it. This led her to speculate that the iconic bell, destined to find a new home in the historic Notre-Dame cathedral, might be part of an elaborate “theater.” It was a thought that sent shivers down the spines of Olympic viewers and conspiracy theorists alike.

Logan’s theory quickly gained traction, with some wondering if the sanctity of the Olympic tradition had been compromised. However, a closer examination reveals that her suspicion is likely unfounded.

The Physics of Bell Chiming

The secret behind the “premature” ringing of the bell lies in the dynamics of its physical design. The bell, when struck, generates vibrations that travel along its metal surface. These vibrations cause the bell to move back and forth, creating a distinctive ringing sound.

However, due to the low frequency of the bell’s vibrations, there is a slight delay between the moment the chimer initiates the swing and the moment the sound reaches our ears. This delay, coupled with the visual illusion of the chimer’s movement, can give the impression that the bell is ringing prematurely.

Occam’s Razor: The Simplest Explanation

In the spirit of Occam’s Razor, it is more likely that the apparent discrepancy between the chimer’s action and the bell’s sound is simply a result of physical phenomena than an elaborate conspiracy. The bell’s acoustics, combined with the delay in sound perception, provide a perfectly reasonable explanation without the need for grand theories.

Respecting Tradition and Integrity

The Olympic Games are a symbol of athletic excellence and fair play. The integrity of the competition is paramount, and every effort is made to ensure that the results are legitimate.

Accusations of cheating or manipulation, if unchecked, can erode the public’s trust in the Games. Therefore, it is essential to approach such allegations with a critical eye and to rely on evidence rather than speculation.


Gabby Logan’s conspiracy theory about the Olympic bell is an intriguing notion that captured the attention of many. However, a careful analysis of the physics involved and the principles of logical reasoning leads us to conclude that the “mystery” is likely nothing more than an illusion.

The Olympic bell remains a symbol of victory and tradition, a reminder of the human spirit’s ability to achieve incredible feats. Let us celebrate the Games in their true spirit, with respect for the athletes and a belief in the integrity of the competition.