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We value your choices

Expressen, our magazines and sub-sites need your approval. We use cookies

In order for you to have the best possible experience on the website, we use cookies and similar technologies (which we together call cookies) that mean that we store and/or access certain information on your device such as a mobile or computer.

We also use cookies from various partners for several of the purposes listed below which mean that the partner also stores and/or accesses certain information on your device such as a mobile or computer.

The use of cookies means that we process your personal data such as IP address, unique identifiers and behavioral data. We and our partners use consent or legitimate interest as the legal basis for processing your personal data.

Your choices

If you click on the “OK” button on this page, you agree that we use cookies for the purposes listed below in addition to the purpose “Necessary cookies, technologies and functions”.

You can customize your choices further under the “Settings” button where you can choose which purposes you want to deny or approve.

Click on each purpose to see detailed information about the purpose and to deny personal data processing that is based on consent or legitimate interest.

Under the purpose “Advertising-related purposes – in cooperation with advertising partners” you can deny or approve advertising-related purposes individually.

Note that when you approve advertising-related purposes and partners, you also approve the purposes listed under so-called “Interconnected data processing” such as e.g. “Ensuring security, preventing and detecting fraud and remedying errors”.

Click on “Settings per partner” to see detailed information about our partners and to make your choices per partner.

There you can also see what type of data the partner processes, as well as information about the cookies that the partner stores on your device such as a mobile or computer.

You can withdraw your consent, object to the processing and adjust your choices at any time by clicking on “Manage cookies” on this website.

In our Cookie Policy and Personal Data Policy you can delve further.

We and our partners carry out the following data processing:

Precise geographic location and identification via device scanning, External content and technology (e.g. social media, audio and video), Functional cookies/technologies, Cookies for analysis and development, Cookies for marketing on other platforms, Cookies for profiling and customization of content, marketing and advertising on our sites/apps, Store and/or access information on a device, Necessary cookies, technologies and functions, Personalized advertising and content, ad and content measurement, audience research and service development

See our 104 partners


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