Lucie Castets, prétendante NFP à Matignon, veut réduire la dette sans forcément respecter ces critères européens

The Economic Vision of Lucie Castets: A New Era for France

Challenging Budgetary Restraints

The frontrunner for Prime Minister in France, Lucie Castets of the Nouveau Front populaire (NFP), has unveiled her bold economic plan that challenges the European Union’s fiscal rules. The so-called Stability and Growth Pact currently limits government deficits to 3% and debt to 60% of GDP, but Castets believes it has been mismanaged and is stifling France’s growth potential. She plans to initiate negotiations with the EU to revise these constraints.

Reforming the Tax System

Central to Castets’ plan is a comprehensive tax overhaul designed to generate significant revenue while providing relief to low- and middle-income households. She proposes a progressive income tax system with 14 brackets, lowering the tax burden for a large proportion of taxpayers. To further bolster revenue, Castets intends to crack down on tax evasion by expatriates and implement broader wealth and inheritance taxes.

Addressing Corporate Taxation

Recognizing the need to balance revenue generation with fostering economic growth, Castets aims to streamline corporate taxation by eliminating overly generous subsidies and tax cuts. She argues that these measures have been ineffective and ultimately undermine the competitiveness of French businesses.

Investing in Public Services

Castets’ economic vision is not solely focused on fiscal discipline. She emphasizes the importance of investing in essential public services such as healthcare, education, and justice. Her plan includes increasing the number of nurses and teachers and improving the efficiency of the judicial system.

Implementing the NFP Agenda

As the designated candidate of the four main left-wing parties, Castets faces the daunting task of translating the NFP’s ambitious program into reality. She has committed to harnessing her expertise and dedicating herself to its implementation. To achieve her goals, Castets will rely on the support and collaboration of a cross-party coalition and a mandate from the French people.


Lucie Castets’ economic platform represents a bold departure from the austerity measures that have characterized recent French history. By prioritizing revenue generation through progressive taxation, tackling tax evasion, and promoting public investment, she aims to create a fairer and more prosperous society for all French citizens. The success of her vision hinges on her ability to navigate complex negotiations with the EU and secure the support of a broad political coalition. If implemented, Castets’ plan has the potential to reshape the economic landscape of France and set a new course for the nation’s future.