« Pour une Assemblée nationale émancipée grâce à une coopération inédite avec la société civile » – TRIBUNE

Beyond the Deadlock: A Democratic Revolution for France


Since the recent legislative elections, France finds itself in a state of political uncertainty. The outcome has left us with no clear majority, prompting fears of an impending political paralysis or a potential resurgence of far-right extremism. However, amidst these concerns lies an opportunity for a long-overdue democratic revolution.

The new political landscape presents a chance to reshape the relationship between the National Assembly and the executive branch. The current system, where the president holds immense power over the Assembly, has stifled parliamentary initiatives and control. It’s time to break free from this subordination and empower the Assembly to play a more active role in governance.

The Importance of an Emancipated Assembly

A parliament that’s forced to engage in dialogue and negotiation would prevent unilateral actions like the unpopular pension reform or the divisive immigration law, which bear the mark of the far right.

Smaller majorities would require governments to seek broader consensus, rather than relying solely on decree powers. This would reduce the risk of alienation and division within the electorate.

Governing Without a Parliamentary Majority

Some question the feasibility of governing without a parliamentary majority. While challenging, it’s not impossible. By stepping outside traditional frameworks, the government can seek support beyond its own ranks.

Mobilizing civil society actors, who have consistently raised concerns about France’s social and democratic decline, can provide legitimacy and support for government policies.

The Role of Civil Society

The strength of civil society was evident in the recent elections, where it acted as a barrier against the far right’s political and cultural offensive.

Harnessing this energy and creating a collaborative platform for dialogue and idea-sharing will bolster the Assembly’s legitimacy and connect it with the wider population.

Audacity, Innovation, and Positivity

The current situation demands bold action, innovative approaches, and a positive outlook. These are essential not only for restoring public trust and countering extremism but also for averting a greater crisis.


The electoral outcome can be a catalyst for a much-needed democratic overhaul in France. An emancipated Assembly, backed by an engaged civil society, can restore the balance of power and address the pressing challenges facing the nation. It’s time to seize this opportunity and embark on a path towards a more just, representative, and resilient democracy.