PSC y ERC firman el acuerdo para investir a Salvador Illa como presidente de la Generalitat

PSC, ERC Sign Agreement to Invest Salvador Illa as President of Catalonia

This Wednesday at noon, the PSC (Catalan Socialist Party) and ERC (Catalan Republican Left) signed an agreement to invest the first socialist secretary, Salvador Illa, as president of the Generalitat (Catalan government). The signing ceremony took place before the Library of Catalonia in Barcelona.

In a statement, the parties announced the agreement signed by their negotiating teams without prior media notice. The teams were led by ERC’s secretary-general and acting president, Marta Rovira, and the PSC’s deputy first secretary, Lluïsa Moret, a day before the investiture plenary session scheduled for Thursday at 10 am.

Key Provisions of the Agreement

ERC’s membership approved the agreement with the PSC to invest the socialist leader as president of the Generalitat with 53.5%. The agreement outlines the following provisions:

  • Catalonia will exit the common (Spanish) fiscal regime.
  • Catalan Tax Agency will manage, settle, collect, and inspect all taxes (starting with personal income tax).
  • A Department of Linguistic Policy will be created within the Govern (Catalan government).

Additionally, the agreement calls for the creation of a “National Convention for the Resolution of the Political Conflict” between Catalonia and Spain and the approval of a National Pact for the Language with €200 million in funding in its first year. This pact must be approved within the first 100 days of the new government’s term.

Prior Agreement with Comuns

On August 3, the first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, and the president of Comuns (Catalan Commons), Jéssica Albiach, signed an investiture agreement for the socialist candidate at the Sant Ildefons Library in Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona).