Un experto de la AEMET avisa del extraño cambio: pasamos de episodios extremos a semanas que no son normales

More heat is coming

The State Meteorological Agency has published a “special notice” to inform about what is expected for the next few days, especially for the weekend.

The AEMET alert reports that temperatures could exceed 40 and even 42 degrees, with minimums of 22 or 25ºC depending on the area. A situation that will begin on Friday “and will persist at least until Sunday”.

The senior meteorologist of the State, Juan Jesús González Alemán, wanted to detail the notice of the AEMET itself, stating that “this year extreme and rare episodes are not forming from the point of view of atmospheric circulation”.

However, the doctor in Physics thinks that “temperatures are beginning to acquire a highly warm behaviour in recent weeks with a persistence that is not normal”. And now another heat wave is coming,” detailing several impressive data in relation to the peninsular centre.

Everything is, however, a bit up in the air, pending the parallel effects that hurricane Debby could generate in the Atlantic, something that González Alemán himself had been reporting in previous messages.