JD Vance Faces Swift Backlash After Accusing Kamala Harris Of Faking ‘Who She Is’

JD Vance Accuses Kamala Harris of Faking Her Identity, Facing Backlash

In a recent news conference, Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio) sparked controversy with his comments about Vice President Kamala Harris. When asked about former President Donald Trump’s false accusations about Harris’ Black identity, Vance defended Trump’s remarks, claiming that Harris “fakes who she is.” He further argued that Harris pretends to be one thing in front of one audience and something else in front of another.

Vance’s comments drew swift criticism from many, who accused him of hypocrisy. Vance was previously a vocal critic of Trump, describing himself as a “Never Trump Guy” and questioning whether Trump was “America’s Hitler.” Many found it ironic that Vance would now support Trump’s unfounded attacks on Harris.

Some also questioned why Trump and Vance believe that discussing Harris’ biracial identity would benefit their campaign. One Twitter user called it “not a winning campaign message.” Others pointed out that Trump’s remarks had already drawn widespread backlash and that Vance’s support for them would likely alienate many voters.

The controversy over Vance’s comments highlights the ongoing debate about race, identity, and politics in the United States. It also raises questions about the role of truth and accuracy in political discourse.

Vance’s Defense of Trump’s Remarks

In defending Trump’s accusations, Vance claimed that he did not view them as an attack on Harris’ biracial background. Instead, he said, Trump was “attacking Kamala Harris being a chameleon.” Vance argued that Harris changes her demeanor and positions depending on who she is speaking to.

Vance then pivoted the conversation to Harris’ policy positions, calling her “a fake” without providing any specific examples to support his claim.

Criticism of Vance

Vance’s comments were met with widespread criticism, with many pointing out the hypocrisy of his previous statements about Trump. One Twitter user wrote, “Does he not see the irony of his statement since he was a Never Trumper?” Another wrote, “Says the guy who completely switched sides [once] he saw how good the grift was.”

Others questioned the logic of Vance and Trump’s focus on Harris’ racial identity. “This is not a winning campaign message,” wrote one user. Another said, “It’s always projection.” (The term “projection” refers to the psychological defense mechanism in which people attribute their own negative qualities or feelings to others.)

The controversy over Vance’s comments is likely to continue in the coming days, as the political debate surrounding race and identity intensifies ahead of the 2024 presidential election.


Senator JD Vance’s defense of Donald Trump’s false accusations about Kamala Harris’ racial identity has ignited a firestorm of controversy. Many have accused Vance of hypocrisy, given his previous criticism of Trump, and question the logic of focusing on Harris’ racial identity. The incident highlights the ongoing debate about race, identity, and politics in the United States, as well as the role of truth and accuracy in political discourse.