Republicans start attacking Walz by going after his military record

Republicans Shift Focus to Attack Walz’s Military Record

The Republican campaign is homing in on what they believe is a vulnerability for Minnesota Governor Tim Walz: his departure from the Army National Guard two decades ago.

Walz’s Decision to Leave Guard Draws Scrutiny

Walz, who has been introduced as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, left his 24-year military career to run for public office in 2005, just before the unit he led deployed to Iraq. This decision has become a target for Republicans, particularly Senator JD Vance, a veteran who served in Iraq.

Vance’s Criticism

Vance has accused Walz of abandoning his unit and has asserted that Walz never served in a combat zone. He has also questioned Walz’s claims about carrying weapons in war.

Defending Walz’s Record

The Harris campaign has defended Walz’s record, highlighting his military service, which included deployments to Italy and efforts to secure funding for veterans. They have also pointed to letters of support from fellow veterans.

Political Parallels to Kerry’s Experience

The attacks on Walz’s military service draw parallels to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth attacks on Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry in 2004. Those attacks questioned Kerry’s record as a combat veteran and raised doubts about his credibility.

Potential Impact on Campaign

The scrutiny of Walz’s military record could potentially impact the campaign by raising questions about his character and judgment. It remains to be seen how the attacks will affect the overall race.

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