Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro’s actions while in office receive renewed attention amid VP vetting

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s Actions Under Scrutiny

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, who was a leading contender to become the Democratic vice presidential candidate, has seen his record come under scrutiny, with some of his actions while in office receiving renewed attention.

Ellen Greenberg’s Death

In 2011, Ellen Greenberg, a 27-year-old Philadelphia teacher, was found dead in her apartment. Her death has been the subject of controversy, with some believing it was a suicide and others believing it was a homicide.

When Shapiro was state attorney general, he oversaw the review of Greenberg’s case. His office ultimately ruled the cause of death was suicide, but the case was later referred back to the Philadelphia district attorney’s office due to concerns about Shapiro’s connections to Greenberg’s fiance’s family.

Sexual Harassment Complaint

Shapiro has also been criticized for his handling of a sexual harassment complaint made against one of his former cabinet members. The woman who made the complaint alleged that she was harassed for months and retaliated against after reporting the issue.

Shapiro’s office paid $295,000 in a settlement to the woman and her resignation was announced shortly after. However, both parties signed a non-disclosure agreement as part of the settlement, preventing them from discussing the case publicly.

Board of Pardons

As state attorney general, Shapiro served on Pennsylvania’s Board of Pardons alongside then-Lt. Gov. John Fetterman. Fetterman and Shapiro frequently disagreed on clemency decisions, with Fetterman voting to commute more sentences than Shapiro.

One notable case involved the Hortons, two prisoners who were serving life sentences for a robbery and fatal shooting. Shapiro voted against granting them clemency in 2019, while Fetterman voted in favor. The Hortons were eventually released in 2020 after a second vote by the board, with Shapiro voting in favor of their release.