2 Alaska troopers charged in brutal arrest of wrong man hit with stun gun, bitten by police dog

Two Alaska State Troopers Charged with Brutality After Mistaking Man for Warrant Subject


On May 24, 2024, an incident occurred in Kenai, Alaska, involving Alaska State Troopers and Kenai police that resulted in two troopers facing criminal charges for assault. The incident highlights concerns over excessive force and the importance of proper identification.

Incident Details

Troopers responded to a report of possible illegal camping in a vehicle at a dog park, believing it was associated with Garrett Tikka, who had a warrant out for his arrest. However, after breaking the rear window of the vehicle, they realized the occupant was not Garrett but his cousin, Ben Tikka.

Despite verifying that Ben did not have a warrant, Trooper Joseph Miller allegedly kicked, punched, and tased Tikka multiple times. Canine handler Jason Woodruff also deployed his dog, Olex, which bit Tikka repeatedly.

Investigation and Charges

Body camera footage of the incident prompted a standard review and criminal investigation. The Alaska Bureau of Investigation referred the case to the Alaska Department of Law’s Office of Special Prosecutions, which filed assault charges against both troopers on Wednesday.

The charges include assault in the fourth degree, a misdemeanor, for using excessive force and deploying the dog without justification. Miller is also charged with driving under the influence.

Commissioner’s Statement

Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Public Safety, James Cockrell, expressed disgust at the incident. “I’ve been with this department for 33 years and I’ve never seen any action like this before by an Alaska State Trooper,” he said.

Cockrell highlighted that the troopers should have confirmed the identity of the occupant before using force.

Legal Proceedings and Other Developments

Miller and Woodruff are due in court on September 10. An attorney for Miller declined to comment, while an attorney for Woodruff was not immediately available. Both troopers are on administrative leave, and the canine involved is no longer in service.

The Kenai Police Department conducted an internal investigation into the actions of its officers involved in the incident and concluded that they acted appropriately.

Impact and Concerns

The incident raises concerns about the excessive use of force by police officers and the potential consequences of mistaken identity. It underscores the importance of thorough identification procedures and the need for accountability within law enforcement.

The public awaits the outcome of the criminal case and any potential disciplinary actions against the troopers involved. It remains to be seen whether the case will lead to broader policy changes or reforms regarding police use of force.


The brutal assault and unlawful deployment of a police dog against an innocent man by Alaska State Troopers is a disturbing and unacceptable use of authority. The criminal charges against the officers involved represent an important step towards accountability and ensuring that such incidents do not recur.

The case highlights the significance of proper identification measures and the need for law enforcement to adhere to ethical and Constitutional standards. It also underscores the public’s expectation of transparency, justice, and the protection of individual rights.