غوتيريش يدعو لهدنة فورية لمكافحة شلل الأطفال بغزة وحماس ترحب

Urgent Call for a Ceasefire: Protecting Gaza’s Children from Polio

The outbreak of polio in the besieged Gaza Strip has prompted an urgent call from the United Nations for an immediate ceasefire to facilitate a massive vaccination campaign. The health crisis underscores the critical need for peace and humanitarian measures to safeguard the lives of vulnerable children.

Immediate Action: A Ceasefire for Vaccination

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has appealed for a “snap ceasefire” to allow for the uninterrupted delivery of vaccines to over 640,000 children under ten in Gaza. The humanitarian pause would provide essential access to the affected areas and enable health workers to reach all children in need.

Guterres emphasized the importance of pausing hostilities for the vaccination efforts, stating, “It is impossible to run a polio vaccination campaign in the midst of a war that is raging everywhere.”

The Threat of Polio’s Return

Polio is a highly infectious virus that can lead to paralysis and other severe complications. The discovery of the virus in sewage samples from Gaza has raised alarm, indicating a possible outbreak. Children under five, particularly infants under two, are most at risk.

The suspension of routine vaccination campaigns due to the ongoing conflict has left Gaza’s population vulnerable to disease outbreaks. Public health officials and aid organizations warn that the lack of adequate healthcare services further exacerbates the risks.

UNICEF and WHO’s Appeal

In a joint statement, UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) stressed the need for a seven-day humanitarian ceasefire to enable the vaccination campaign. They emphasized that reaching at least 95% vaccination coverage during each round of the campaign is crucial to prevent the spread of polio.

The agencies noted that the absence of a humanitarian pause would make it impossible to implement the vaccination efforts effectively.

Hamas’ Support for the Truce

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which governs Gaza, has expressed support for the UN’s request for a ceasefire for vaccination. Hamas called for a humanitarian pause to facilitate the delivery of food and medicine to the two million Palestinians besieged in Gaza.

Multiple Ceasefires Expected

A Western official, speaking on condition of anonymity, indicated that multiple shorter ceasefires may be considered instead of a single humanitarian pause. The official expressed concern about the risk of the outbreak spreading beyond Gaza, potentially contaminating groundwater sources for neighboring countries.

The official highlighted the urgency of the situation, describing Gaza as an “infectious time bomb.” With the onset of the rainy season later this fall, contaminated sewage could infiltrate the groundwater, posing a threat to Israel, Egypt, and Jordan.

Conclusion: A Collective Responsibility

The resurgence of polio in Gaza highlights the devastating consequences of conflict on public health. It is a stark reminder that the well-being of children should be a top priority, transcending political differences.

The international community, aid organizations, and all parties involved must work together to support the vaccination campaign and ensure the protection of children in Gaza. A ceasefire for vaccination is not merely a humanitarian gesture but an essential step towards safeguarding their lives and preventing a wider outbreak.

By prioritizing peace and the health of children, we can create a path towards a healthier and more secure future for all.