بايدن يحذر جميع الأطراف من تقويض مساعي وقف الحرب في غزة

President Biden Warns Against Undermining Gaza Ceasefire Efforts, Citing Imminent Agreement

Biden’s Statement

In a statement released after a two-day round of talks in Doha, U.S. President Joe Biden emphasized the proximity of a ceasefire agreement and prisoner exchange between Hamas and Israel. He cautioned against any actions that could jeopardize the delicate negotiations and announced that Secretary of State Antony Blinken would be dispatched to Israel on Saturday to reinforce this message.

Biden stated, “I have directed my negotiating team in Doha to present a comprehensive proposal to bridge the gaps and reach a final agreement.” He further emphasized the progress made in Doha and noted his conversations with Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, expressing their support for the U.S. proposal.

Doha Talks and Cairo Follow-Up

The Doha talks focused on a proposed agreement, resulting in “significant progress.” A follow-up meeting is scheduled to take place in Cairo before the end of next week.

Biden’s Engagement and Diplomatic Support

Biden has actively engaged in the negotiations, providing updates and seeking diplomatic support from Qatar and Egypt as mediating parties. He has stressed the importance of securing a ceasefire and releasing hostages as part of the agreement.

Regional Implications and Warnings

Biden’s statement serves as a warning to all parties in the Middle East against undermining the ceasefire efforts. He emphasized that achieving a comprehensive agreement would benefit regional stability and urged against any actions that could hinder its implementation.

Path to Final Settlement

The U.S. proposal aims to address outstanding gaps between Hamas and Israel, paving the way for a final agreement that will include a ceasefire and prisoner exchange.

International Support and Mediation

Qatar and Egypt continue to play crucial roles in mediating the negotiations and facilitating progress towards a solution. The upcoming Cairo talks will provide an opportunity for further discussions and the potential finalization of the agreement.

Hope and Cautious Optimism

While acknowledging the difficulties involved, Biden expressed cautious optimism and reiterated the U.S. commitment to supporting a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The proposed agreement represents a significant step towards ending the recent escalation and moving towards a more stable future for the region.