Прем’єр-міністр Канади Трюдо зробив заяву щодо ударів по Росії

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Makes Statement on Strikes on Russia

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau believes that Ukraine has the right to use long-range weapons to strike Russian territory to “prevent Russian strikes on hospitals and kindergartens.”

His statement was cited by The Canadian Press.
“Canada fully supports Ukraine in the use of long-range weapons to deter and cease Russia’s further ability to degrade Ukrainian civilians, infrastructure and most importantly, kill innocent civilians in their unjust war,” Trudeau said.

He added that this should be done despite Moscow’s threats that it would draw NATO into direct war with Russia.

Trudeau also stressed that Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to destabilize the rules-based international order that protects everyone.

The Canadian prime minister argues that Ukraine must emerge victorious in its fight against the Russian invasion, or it will encourage other large countries to try to “absorb” their neighbors.

Recall that on the eve of Vladimir Putin, the president of the aggressor state, stated in a commentary to Russian propagandists that the use of long-range Western weapons by the Ukrainian army to strike Russia would mean the direct participation of NATO countries in the fighting.

Read also:

  • Threats of nuclear weapons: what will happen if Putin presses the nuclear button – Ohryzko
  • Nowhere else to go: Lavrov in Vladivostok asked not to joke about Russia’s “red lines”
  • Will depend on Biden, not Putin: Zelensky spoke about the points of the “victory plan”