Оккупанты говорят о сбитой ракете “Нептун” над акваторией Севастополя

Recent Russian Claims Regarding the Interception of a “Neptune” Missile Over the Bay of Sevastopol


On August 9, 2024, the so-called “governor” of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, made a statement claiming that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had launched an attack on the city and that Russian forces had successfully intercepted a “Neptune” anti-ship missile over the bay.


According to Razvozhaev, the missile was shot down “over the water at a considerable distance from the shore.” This statement was later corroborated by the Crimean news outlet Krymsky Veter, which reported on additional explosions and gunfire in the area.


The alleged interception of the “Neptune” missile comes amidst ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia over the Crimean Peninsula, which was illegally annexed by Russia in 2014. Ukraine has been actively using “Neptune” missiles to defend its coastline, having successfully targeted Russian warships in the Black Sea on several occasions.


While the claims made by Razvozhaev and Krymsky Veter cannot be independently verified, they raise concerns about the ongoing threat to Ukrainian territory and the potential for further escalation in the conflict. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been actively using “Neptune” missiles to protect their coastline, and Russia has been equally determined to neutralize this threat.


The successful interception of a “Neptune” missile, if confirmed, would represent a significant setback for Ukraine’s efforts to defend its maritime borders. It would also highlight the growing sophistication of Russia’s air defense systems and its determination to maintain control over Crimea.


The alleged interception of a “Neptune” missile over the Bay of Sevastopol underscores the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia and the potential for further escalation. It remains crucial for the international community to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, while also promoting dialogue and diplomacy to resolve the conflict peacefully.