На Кінбурнській косі встановили прапор України

Ukrainian Flag Flies High on Kinburn Spit

On August 11, 2024, a Ukrainian flag was raised on the Kinburn Spit, a strategic peninsula separating the Dniprovsko-Buh Estuary and the Black Sea. The act, carried out by Ukrainian special forces, holds enormous significance as a symbol of Ukraine’s resilience and determination.

Background on Kinburn Spit

Kinburn Spit is a slender strip of land located near the city of Ochakiv in southern Ukraine. It has been under Russian occupation since the early stages of the ongoing war. However, Ukrainian forces have been actively conducting operations to retake lost territories, including Kinburn Spit.

Special Forces Raid

On August 9, Ukrainian special forces launched a daring raid on Kinburn Spit. The operation involved deploying troops via amphibious landing and engaging in fierce combat with Russian forces. According to Ukrainian officials, dozens of Russian soldiers were killed, and their equipment was destroyed.

Raising the Flag

As part of the raid, Ukrainian special forces raised a Ukrainian flag on Kinburn Spit, signifying their successful operation and the ongoing efforts to liberate occupied Ukrainian territories. This act of defiance sends a powerful message to both Ukrainian citizens and the international community about Ukraine’s resolve.

Implications for the War

The successful operation on Kinburn Spit is a major victory for Ukraine. It demonstrates the capabilities of Ukrainian special forces and their ability to carry out complex operations in challenging environments. The act of raising the flag on Kinburn Spit also serves as a morale boost for Ukrainian troops and civilians alike.


The raising of the Ukrainian flag on Kinburn Spit not only marks a symbolic triumph but also underscores Ukraine’s determination to regain its sovereign territory. It stands as a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of Ukrainian soldiers and the enduring spirit of the Ukrainian people in their fight for independence. As Ukraine continues to navigate the ongoing conflict, the flag on Kinburn Spit will undoubtedly serve as a beacon of hope and a reminder of their unwavering struggle for freedom.