Мирноград выезжает: в прифронтовом городе закрываются магазины, но недавно ремонтировали дорогу

Mirnohrad is Leaving: As the War Approaches, Shops Close, but Roads Were Recently Repaired

It is becoming increasingly dangerous to live and work in Mirnohrad.

Amidst Russia’s ongoing invasion of the Donetsk region, civilians are gradually evacuating from frontline cities and villages as the war rapidly approaches. Mirnohrad is among the settlements where mandatory evacuation of children has been announced.

Local channel “Orbita” reports on how residents are leaving their hometown.

According to journalists, shops in Mirnohrad are closing en masse, and those still open have nearly empty shelves. Vendors are trying to sell their remaining inventory before evacuating. The city is becoming increasingly deserted.

“We are simply leaving, like everyone else. We have nowhere to relocate our store,” said vendor Natalia. “I’m going to Dnipro for now, I rented an apartment there. I had it good here, the same customers came every morning. Now we have to run.”

Mirnohrad residents are desperately searching for trucks to transport their belongings. They say that the queue for carriers is booked until the end of August.

Yuriy Tretyak, acting head of the Mirnohrad City Military Administration, said that they are currently exploring which communities, particularly in the Dnipropetrovsk region, could accommodate families with children.

As of the morning of August 6, there were 2,257 children in the city, 152 fewer than four days prior. However, this number is approximate, as some families who are evacuating independently do not report it.

Meanwhile, last week, the city carried out pothole repairs on its roads.

“This is an alternative road to a group of micro-districts called ‘Domansky’,” the city head explained. “Because if there are enemy attacks on the micro-district area, it will be very dangerous to leave. That is why we have repaired the alternative road.”

DeepState previously reported that Russian forces continue to advance near New York, Donetsk region.

Read also:

  • Russia strikes a five-story building in Mirnohrad: bodies of spouses pulled from the rubble
  • Miraculously survived after a Russian missile strike: a heart-wrenching story of a young man’s incredible rescue in Mirnohrad
  • Tragedy in Mirnohrad: a serviceman kills three comrades and shoots himself – ex-MP