Замглавы Минэнерго задержали на взятке в полмиллиона долларов: Галущенко помог раскрыть схему

Deputy Minister of Energy Detained on $500,000 Bribe: Halushchenko Helps Uncover Scheme

The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, with the assistance of Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko, have uncovered a large-scale corruption scheme organized by the Deputy Minister of Energy.

According to the official statement, the deputy minister promised to facilitate the transfer of mining equipment from the mines of the frontline Donetsk region to state-owned enterprises of the Lviv-Volyn Coal Basin for $500,000.

The scheme involved unique and scarce equipment from a state-owned coal company located in the eastern front – Pokrovsk.

In addition to the deputy minister, several other individuals from the energy sector were involved, all of whom face prosecution.

The Ministry of Energy has submitted an urgent request to the Cabinet of Ministers to dismiss the deputy minister, and a decision is expected to be made today.

The ministry is actively cooperating with the Security Service, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, and other law enforcement agencies to completely eradicate corruption in the energy sector.