Два автогола. Севилья не сумела обыграть Лас-Пальмас, 3 очка взяла Сельта

Supporting Ukrainian Military and People Impacted by War

Together for a Stronger Ukraine

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has resulted in a humanitarian crisis that demands our attention and support. As a community, we stand united in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and those affected by the devastating war.

Supporting the Ukrainian Military

Our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are fighting bravely to defend their freedom and sovereignty. We can support them by providing essential aid such as medical supplies, personal protective equipment, and other resources.

Helping the Affected People

The war has displaced millions of Ukrainians from their homes, creating a vast refugee crisis. We can offer shelter, food, clothing, and other basic necessities to those who have been forced to flee.

Raising Awareness and Advocacy

Creating awareness and advocating for peace is crucial. We can share accurate information about the conflict, challenge misinformation, and call for an end to the violence.

Financial Contributions

Financial contributions can significantly aid relief efforts. We encourage you to donate to reputable organizations providing assistance to Ukraine. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference.

Volunteering Time and Resources

Your time and resources are invaluable. Volunteer with organizations supporting Ukraine, donate blood, or provide shelter for displaced families.

Emotional Support

Ukrainians need our emotional support and empathy. Reach out to Ukrainian friends, colleagues, or neighbors to offer words of encouragement and let them know they are not alone.

The people of Ukraine have shown unwavering resilience and courage in the face of adversity. By coming together, we can amplify their voices, provide support, and help them rebuild their lives after this devastating conflict.

Together, we can make a positive impact and stand for peace, justice, and solidarity with Ukraine.