ГУР установило флаг Украины на временно оккупированной Кинбурнской косе (видео)

Ukrainian GUR forces secure Кinburn Peninsula with ukrainian flag

The Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense has established the Ukrainian flag on the temporarily occupied Kinburn Peninsula.

Currently, other details of the operation are not being disclosed. As Deepstate clarifies, the flag was probably set up as a result of raid actions.

The raid on the Kinburn Peninsula
On August 9, GUR special forces raided the temporarily occupied Kinburn Peninsula. At the same time, six units of the enemy’s armored vehicles and about three dozen invaders were destroyed. The soldiers attacked the fortifications of the Russians at their positions “Kinburn Fortress”, “Sea station”, “Monument to Suvorov”. Near the latter, they set up a combat flag of the GUR.

It is worth adding that this is not the only operation of the Ukrainian intelligence. As an example, the military also recently raided the Tenderovska Spit.