“Божий суд”: екстрасенси пояснили небезпеку дати 8.8.2024 та що не можна робити цього дня

“The Divine Judgment”: Psychics Explain the Dangers of the Date 8.8.2024 and What Not to Do on That Day

Psychics claim that tomorrow could see the fulfillment of one of the biblical prophecies about the Divine Judgment. The mirrored date of 08.08.2024, which when added together also results in eight — the day when everyone will receive what they deserve, astrologers say. Since eight is associated with Saturn, the planet of karma, a triple eight implies karmic responsibility cubed.

Numerologist Daria Tyutyunnik explains the essence of this day, often called the “Lion’s Gate,” with a simple saying: “What you sow, you shall reap.” However, fear is not warranted, she says, because this day presents an opportunity to improve one’s life, conclude unfinished business, and rid oneself of anything old or unnecessary. It is crucial to monitor one’s thoughts and harbor only positive intentions.

“It is essential to sit down and assess your life on this day,” says Daria. “If you dwell on troubles or harbor negative thoughts, or, God forbid, wish harm upon others, it will all come back to you.”

Psychic Maria Tikhaya emphasizes that this is not an ordinary mirrored date. When the eights are turned over, they form the infinity symbol — a representation of transformation, success, and spiritual growth. This is an incredibly powerful day energetically, bringing new possibilities not only for individuals but for the nation as a whole. However, Maria warns of potential dangers.

“Significant military decisions will be made on this day, and I am confident that they will have political and aid implications,” she says. “We must be mindful, of course, that Russia favors these sacred dates. Plus or minus, there will be shelling around these dates, because I have examined the dates, and I am concerned about the number 8 and the period starting from the 13th.”

The psychic encourages performing good deeds, as they will be rewarded with pleasant surprises from the universe in the future. She suggests making wishes, writing them down, and keeping them for a year.

“Leo is not only about money; it is more about family and love,” she says. “You can ask for personal favors on this day, but please refrain from focusing on finances and instead prioritize love and goodness.”

To improve karma on this day, it is beneficial to assist the elderly and animals. Pay attention to signs: the more eights you encounter on clocks, license plates, or street numbers, the better. The universe is communicating that you are on the right path.