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Transfer Request to Committee on Foreign Affairs

In a statement posted on Facebook, Ukrainian Member of Parliament Maryana Bezugla announced her request to be transferred from her current position as Deputy of the Defense Committee to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.


Bezugla’s request follows a series of events that have raised questions about her suitability for the Defense Committee.

In January 2024, the parliamentary committee on national security, defense, and intelligence recommended Bezugla’s removal from her position as deputy chair due to alleged conduct unbecoming of her role.

In July 2024, Bezugla announced her departure from the “Servant of the People” parliamentary faction.

Transfer Request

In her statement, Bezugla expressed her desire to contribute to Ukraine’s foreign policy and strengthen its international standing.

“I believe that my experience and expertise would be valuable to the Committee on Foreign Affairs,” she wrote.

Bezugla’s request will be considered by the parliamentary leadership and is subject to approval by the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament.


If approved, Bezugla’s transfer would mark a significant shift in her parliamentary responsibilities.

The Committee on Foreign Affairs is responsible for shaping Ukraine’s foreign policy, engaging with international partners, and promoting the country’s interests abroad.

Bezugla’s expertise in international relations and her connections within the diplomatic community could enhance the committee’s work.

The transfer would also align with Bezugla’s stated desire to focus on Ukraine’s long-term strategic goals, including strengthening its defense capabilities, deepening its European integration, and promoting peace and stability in the region.