Γερμανία: Δύο νεκροί και αρκετοί εγκλωβισμένοι από μερική κατάρρευση ξενοδοχείου

Hotel Collapse in Western German City Leaves Two Dead, Multiple Trapped

A section of a hotel in a western German city has collapsed, leaving two people dead and several others trapped in the rubble, authorities said Wednesday (July 6).

Fourteen people were inside the hotel in the city of Kroev when a section of the building collapsed at around 11 p.m. Tuesday. Police said five of them managed to escape the building unharmed because they were not in the part that collapsed. Several others, however, were trapped.

A rescue operation is underway to free them, but reaching them is proving difficult because the collapse caused two ceilings to fall on top of each other.

"We have to proceed with caution because the entire structure of the building is currently like a house of cards. If we pull the wrong card, this building will certainly collapse," rescue workers said.

Among those rescued were a 2-year-old child, who was pulled out unharmed, and the child’s mother, who was rescued with minor injuries. The child’s father remains trapped.

Regional public broadcaster SWR said witnesses reported hearing a loud bang and seeing a large cloud of dust at the time of the collapse.

What Caused the Collapse?

The cause of the collapse is still under investigation. However, authorities said the building was undergoing renovation at the time, and that work may have contributed to the collapse.

Rescue Efforts

Rescue workers are using heavy equipment to remove the rubble and reach the trapped people. They are also using sniffer dogs to try to locate survivors.

The rescue operation is expected to take several hours. Authorities have set up a hotline for family members of those who were inside the hotel at the time of the collapse.

Impact on the Community

The collapse of the hotel has shocked the community of Kroev. The hotel was a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.

The mayor of Kroev expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and said the city would do everything it could to support them.

Similar Incidents

Hotel collapses are relatively rare, but they have happened in the past.

In 2019, a hotel in China collapsed, killing 29 people and injuring 28 others.

In 2018, a hotel in India collapsed, killing 41 people and injuring dozens more.

These incidents highlight the importance of building safety and regular inspections.