Ατσάλινος Θόλος, η “ασπίδα” της Τουρκίας: Σχεδιάζει ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα αντιαεροπορικής άμυνας

Turkey’s Ambitious “Steel Dome”: A Comprehensive Overview


Amidst Turkey’s robust defense initiatives, the “Steel Dome” project holds significant prominence. Inspired by Israel’s “Iron Dome,” this indigenous air defense system aims to safeguard Turkey’s airspace against airborne threats.

Genesis of the Steel Dome

The Steel Dome concept was unveiled during a meeting of Turkey’s Defense Industry Executive Committee, chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This project represents a significant milestone in Turkey’s pursuit of self-reliance in defense technologies.

A Multi-Layered Defense Network

The Steel Dome is designed as a comprehensive system that seamlessly integrates various air defense assets. These include multi-tiered air defense systems, sensors, and weapons. By leveraging network connectivity, the system establishes a unified situational awareness in the air.

Real-Time Operational Picture

The central feature of the Steel Dome is its ability to generate a real-time operational picture. Data from all air defense elements is consolidated and displayed in operation centers, providing decision-makers with a comprehensive view of the airspace.

Artificial Intelligence Augmentation

Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in the Steel Dome’s decision-making process. By analyzing vast amounts of data in real-time, AI algorithms can assist commanders in identifying and prioritizing threats.

Indigenous Development and Production

Emphasizing self-sufficiency, Turkey has prioritized the domestic development and production of the Steel Dome’s components. This approach ensures greater control over the system’s design, manufacturing, and maintenance.

Broad Defense Umbrella

The Steel Dome is not limited to protecting against aircraft; it also encompasses defense against drones, cruise missiles, and other airborne threats. By providing a multi-layered shield, the system enhances Turkey’s overall air defense capabilities.

Complementing Existing Systems

The Steel Dome is not intended to replace existing air defense systems. Instead, it will complement and enhance their effectiveness by providing a more comprehensive and integrated approach.

Beyond Air Defense

The Steel Dome project is part of a broader modernization effort in Turkey’s defense industry. It complements other initiatives, such as the development of the KAAN fighter aircraft and the acquisition of armed drones.


Turkey’s Steel Dome program is a testament to its commitment to safeguarding its airspace and deterring potential threats. By harnessing indigenous capabilities and integrating cutting-edge technologies, the Steel Dome promises to transform Turkey’s air defense posture, solidifying its status as a regional defense leader.